Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Getting back into the swing of it all

Well, we're finally moved and settled into our new house. Nix that, we've been moved in but not quite settled for almost 2 months.

With an 8 month old, 2 year old, and a 12 year old, it's a bit impossible to be on top of everything...

The kids have adjusted quite nicely to living in a town of only 4700 people. My husband has been a little more apprehensive considering our old town was a cesspool for gunshots, muggings, drug dealings, and whatever other illegal activity you can think of. I think he's finally come to terms with just how nice our new town is.

As for me, I love it! This is MY town! I grew up here from birth to age 23. This is the life I've always known. I'm so excited to be able to share this with our children. I'm no longer fearful of the nights my husband isn't home or about unexpected knocks at the door. It's truly a blessing to be home. :)

One thing that isn't great around here are jobs. With a community so small, everyone kinda climbs over each other to acquire the higher payer jobs. Hubs found a job but it isn't quite cutting it. Thank goodness I'm still able to use my online trading business in order to help make ends meet. One of the joys of working from home* is being able to bring business with you.

Oh, I almost forgot, since the last time I posted we added a new addition to our household. Olive was born 11.09.13 and she is/was beautiful. She's already 8 months old and so chubby and sweet. Her smile is so infectious and everyday she concretes herself into this family more.

I couldn't be prouder of my children and the ways they all play, converse and love each other. Our oldest is the greatest big brother. He loves his sisters and dotes on them constantly. He is so helpful and patient, taking care to really get down on their level to play. Our middle child, SJ, is such a good big sister. At 2 years old, she is getting better at playing gently and loves sharing her toys with Wee-Uh (how she pronounces Olivia).

(I am hopeful that my 2 girls will be good friends through school!?!)

It's so good to finally be home!

*If you're interested in working from home, please email or message me for more details.