Sunday, July 22, 2012

Letting it out.

I need to vent.

My husband is a great man. He works long and very strenuous hours at his job. Just recently, he was moved off his routes (that he had been running for 6 months) and given a better set of routes that generate more commission.

He was given these routes because he's grown the ones he started with and his supervisor felt like it was time to throw him "a big bone". (Throwing him a bone as his supervisor's words, not mine.) The routes he's running were being ran by a guy who is currently out on FMLA. Tomorrow he comes back, but hubs has been told repeatedly that he will NOT be moved off these routes.

I need to vent here because if something happens and hubs is moved off these routes, he will walk out. He is sick and tired of being used (working 6 days, 14 hours a day for 6 weeks), lied to (was supposed to get better routes months ago), and basically tired of the BS.

I don't blame him one bit. If something like that happened to me, I'd probably walk out too. I have a very short fuse when it comes to bullshit and I have a hard time holding my tongue. (It just doesn't happen.)

I'm just so frustrated about this mess. Nick works so hard at his job and I know he really enjoys it (even working the long hours). His pay is finally starting to pick up and we're actually able to budget for more than just the bare necessities. If his supervisor could just see the drive behind him, maybe he would understand that this is something that Hubs was born to do and he needs to just let Nick  run with it.

FMLA dude has been out for about 6 weeks with a back injury but that hasn't stopped him from visiting the local bars 3-4 nights a week.


You're too hurt to work but you can drink like a fish and then wonder how you made it home?


Hopefully, God will continue to come through for us and Nick will get to keep his new routes. Also, I'm praying that supervisor wises up and dumps FMLA dude out where he belongs.

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