I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to watch or read the news today. I can't handle another story of a mother or father killing their children intentionally for revenge. If you suspect your spouse is cheating, you leave or get counseling. YOU DON'T KILL YOUR CHILDREN!!!
What a tragedy. If my husband ever did anything that I thought was unfaithful, I would first confront him. If it turned to be true, I would take the children and leave. I couldn't imagine another person's fidelity being more important than my children's lives.
I love my husband but I have a mindset that I was here on Earth for 27 years just fine without him. If he chose to do something that merited divorce, I could move on. I'm sure it would be hard but no spouse is worth killing yourself or children over.
I also can't stomach those that leave their children or pets in a hot car. In Indianapolis (hello, home state Indiana) a father left his his 2 children, 16 months and 4 months (if I recall correctly) in a car where the temp reached 114 degree.
I know I'm certainly not super mom, but I know when my children are in the car.
Now there's an app you can download that reminds you to get your kids out of the backseat.
If you have to be reminded that you have children in your car, please don't breed!!
I'm smashing my soapbox because my pregnant ass is too big to be standing on something so small.
I know there are a lot of great parents and I applaud you. Can't we just string up the bad ones???
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