Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kiddie pool adventures

Yesterday, I went in search of a kiddie pool. Because of our 'unique' situation, I couldn't get anything big or that would require an outside lawn. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, just something that could set on our front porch and that the kids could both fit in semi-comfortably.

Enter the kiddie pool...

(Pic removed because Lil' Miss only has a swimmer on.)

You would have thought I bought an Olympic sized pool! The kids had a blast playing in their porch pool till it was bathtime. Stella cried when I made her get out. Oh the joys of summertime and cheap kiddie pools.

Yesterday, we also visited our local Meskar Park Zoo here in town. The kids had an okay time. Most of the animals were in the shade, hiding, and pretty docile. I told the kids not to blame them because it was too hot and even this momma felt like she needed a nice shade tree or a hosing off.

Sidenote: Why do all zoos have 8000 up hill climbs?

So today we're relaxing on the front porch, playing in our porch pool, and watching the cars go by. We're also trying to avoid the drunks, methheads, and prostitutes...

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