Thursday, July 5, 2012

Today is just not my day.

I hate getting mail! It seems like every time I go collect the mail, there's always something in there that I don't want or need. Today it was bills.

Why does it cost over $1000 to be hooked up to a heart monitor for 15 minutes?? Is there something magical inside that machine that I should know about? I highly doubt it. I'm all for paying our bills and getting things taken care of in a timely manner but you can bet your ass, we'll be sending in payments for this $1000 and I'll be calling about this so-called bill first!!

I'm so irritated right now. Ugh.

In other news, my MIL made me a homemade birthday cake yesterday. It was chocolate with cream cheese frosting. It was delicious... and SWEET! So sweet that it made my teeth ache for a couple minutes afterwards. Y'ouch! It was really good though.

Lil' Miss is stirring so that's my cue to hop off here.

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